Monday, November 26, 2012

Photograph - by Jackie Koch (CC#35)

cover image ©2012 by Mark Hutchinson
Hear ye! See ye! Crisis Chronicles Press releases Jackie Koch's new poetry chapbook on 26 November 2012! Her Photograph is 24 pages, hand assembled, 8.5 x 5.5", inkjet printed, saddle saddle staple bound with white cover stock, mauve endpapers and white pages. Contents include "Red Hot July," "Phantasmagoria," "Home Spun," "Dragonfly," "Frostbite Occurs in 15 Minutes or Less" and much, much more.  Around 80 copies in print. Photograph is now available for $7 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 3431 George Avenue, Parma, Ohio 44143 USA. This chapbook is currently sold out.

Click here to read a selection from Photograph in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to see ratings of Photograph at Goodreads.

author photo ©2012 by Frances Ross
Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the chapbook):

Jackie Koch grew up in southern Michigan, climbing trees and exploring the outdoors. The family camping trips in her home state, in Canada, and across the United States solidified her love for the Earth, which is reflected in her writing. She has lived in North Carolina and central Ohio, and has come back to Michigan and her roots. A columnist and freelance writer since 1999, she began writing poetry in earnest in the summer of 2010, when she volunteered to help a friend run a slam poetry workshop at an art festival. She now hosts monthly open mic events in her hometown and encourages other poets. Jackie has won awards for her short stories, which have appeared online, and her poem, "Shhhh..." was part of the anthology Vending Machine: Poetry for Change, Volume Two. She lives in Adrian, Michigan, with one of her two sons and both of her two dogs.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Queen of Dorksville - by Leah Mueller (CC#34)

cover photo by Leah Mueller, text added by JB
Crisis Chronicles Press is tingling with excitement over the publication of Queen of Dorksville, a chapbook by Leah Mueller, available in October 2012. 32 pages of poetry and prose handbound with joy and care, Queen of Dorksville is saddle stitched using white cardstock, pale purple soda construction paper and white pages. 8.5 x 5.5", inkjet printed.  Contents include the title poem, "Maternal Advice," "Thrill-seeker," "Not Quite the King of Comedy," "Astrology 101," "Election Night," "Talking to the Dead on Television," "Security Guard," "Photo Gallery 1983," "Word Salad," "Vultures," "Selling Flowers on the Honor System," and "The Clown Chronicles."

Available for $7 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA.

Click here
to read the title poem on Leah Mueller's blog.
Click here
to view video of Leah Mueller reading from Queen of Dorksville.
Click here to view reviews and ratings of Queen of Dorksville at Goodreads.
Click here to read reviews of Queen of Dorksville at Amazon.

Leah Mueller has been writing poetry for as long as she can remember.  From 1996-2001, she was co-host of the popular open mike "Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is" in Tacoma, Washington, which was featured numerous times at Tacoma's annual First Night celebration.  She has appeared at countless open mikes and featured reader gigs, and was the poetry slam winner at the International Women’s Day event in Portland, Oregon, in 2004.  Leah divides her time between Chicago, IL and the Pacific Northwest, having considerable trouble determining which of the two is really home.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Angel - by Sandy Sue Benitez (CC#33)

Angel cover photo by Kim Newberg
Crisis Chronicles Press is very pleased to announce the publication of Angel, a chapbook by Sandy Sue Benitez, on 30 September 2012.  Angel is handbound with care using pale gray-coral card stock, wine-blood construction paper and white pages, and features a poignant set of poems the author has dedicated "to all families who have experienced the pain and sorrow of miscarriage."

Available for $7 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA.  8.5 x 5.5". 16 pages. Early copies were inkjet printed; later copies, laser printed.  About 80 total copies made.

If you prefer an e-book format, Angel is also available via Amazon Kindle for $2.99.

Click here to read "The Sleeping Box" from Angel in the Crisis Chronicles litmag.
Click here to read the title poem from Angel in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to read the author's blog entry about Angel.
Click here to view ratings of Angel at Goodreads.

Sandy Sue Benitez

Sandy Sue Benitez is the author of Ever Violet, a full-length collection of poetry (D-N Publishing, 2007). She has authored four previous chapbooks: Beneath a Black Pearl Sky (Flutter Press, 2009), The Lollipop Club (Victorian Violet Press, 2010), Petal Storm (Flutter Press, 2010), and Postcards from Iraq (Books on Blogs, 2011). Sandy's work also appears in two anthologies: Lilith: A Collection of Women's Writes and Postcards from Eve, (both Fortunate Childe Publications). She is also the Founder & Editor of Flutter Poetry Journal and Flutter Press. Sandy's poetry has appeared in over 130 print and online poetry journals since 2006. She resides in the Inland Empire, California, with her husband and their 2 children.

Friday, September 21, 2012

In Circles - by Ryn Cricket (CC#32)

Cover photo (c) 2012 by Mark William Darus
Crisis Chronicles Press is pleased to announce the publication of Ryn Cricket's debut chapbook, In Circles, on 21 September 2012.  In Circles features 28 pages of stories and poems by Ryn Cricket (a.k.a. Katheryn Womack), in which the exceptionally normal, abnormal, paranormal, all-too-true and extraordinary mingle and thrive.  This special handbound edition is 8.5 x 5.5", inkjet printed and saddle staple bound with cream cover stock, hard olive end papers and white pages.  Approximately 70 copies made.

Available for $7 US from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Ohio 44143 USA.

Click here to read a selection from In Circles in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to hear an interview with (and reading by) Ryn Cricket on WOBC radio.
Click here to read a review of In Circles at Amazon.
Click here to see ratings of In Circles at Goodreads.

Ryn Cricket
About the author (from the chapbook):

"When I was in the seventh grade I thought I wanted to do three things when I grew up:  I wanted to be an English teacher, a writer and a mother.   All of that traveling, adventure, and Peace Corps was just research for what was to come.  After more than twenty years of being told I would never be able to have children, I had two beautiful baby girls, a year and a half apart.  I spend many of my daytime hours working in Asia as an ESL lecturer, teacher-trainer, and curriculum creator and editor — and all of the rest of my time  inspiring and being inspired by my two little girls and creating that writing space necessary to evolve my craft."

Click here to visit Ryn Cricket's blog.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Other Guy - by John Thomas Allen (CC#31)

cover photo by Steven B Smith

Crisis Chronicles Press is overjoyed to announce the release of The Other Guy, a new poetry chapbook by John Thomas Allen. Published 15 August 2012, The Other Guy is 16 pages, lovingly hand assembled and saddle staple bound using white cover stock, black card stock endpapers and white paper. 8.5 x 5.5", inkjet printed. Approximately 120 copies in print. Available for $6 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA.

According to David Shapiro: "Freud said to the young surrealists to beware of unconscious imagery, and Meyer Schapiro said even dreams were social. John reminds me of Lamantia, Vigo, Bolano—raw and angry but with a clear day under his baseball cap. Like the Berrigan brothers, he seems to be writing a last protesting book, with the harp of Harpo and instead of handcuffs from a flic who appears to look like a hamburger…The soul is conscious in this new voice, and John wears a rosary around his neck. Real as Albany, his infra-surrealism is growing and growling. Good that he's so disappointed; he occupies a special place in Poetry Park."

According to Charles Bane, Jr.: "The work of John Allen is profoundly moored; it is exploratory, shaded and searching. Read his work, and follow his quest."

According to Rich Follett: "John Thomas Allen's surreal images strung together like pearls; seemingly random events and characters juxtaposed in ways that expose mind-expanding meanings; the pungent, unblinking eye of the camera obscura; the unexpected voice of transients, ne'er do wells and those forgotten by fortune; these flavors and many more await readers of John Thomas Allen's dreamlike Humanist poetry and prose. There is a certain light to these visions — a three-in-the-morning beam of truth that exposes both deep flaws and great beauty in every subject, every character. John Thomas Allen offers us a mirror; — who among us can resist looking? What we see in the process is the bones of our collective socio-intellectual hypocrisy. The result is a simultaneously humbling and edifying reading experience: our flaws are laid bare but we realize in the blush of our shame that we still have an ineluctable beauty if only we are willing to cultivate it. John Thomas Allen's world has existed always, around us, among us and within us; in coming to terms with his humbling and uplifting indictments, we can only shake our heads and wonder how it is that we have missed so much for so long. Read, and walk with him."

Click here to see several reviews of The Other Guy at Amazon.
Click here to see ratings and reviews of The Other Guy at Goodreads.

Sample poems:

Click here to read "Smokebreak" from The Other Guy in the Crisis Chronicles cyber litmag.
Click here to read "An Elegy for One Living and Dead" from the book in the Crisis Chronicles.

Poet's bio (from the chapbook):

John Thomas Allen is a 29 year old poet who lives in Albany NY, for the moment. His work has appeared over 40 journals and his chief ambition is to write a real poem one of these days!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

as she unbends - by Jolynne M. Hudnell (CC#30)

cover photo by Steven B. Smith

Crisis Chronicles Press is overjoyed to announce the release of as she unbends, a new poetry chapbook by Jolynne M Hudnell. Published 1 August 2012, as she unbends is 27 pages, hand assembled, 8.5 x 5.5" saddle staple bound with a green-gold card stock cover, black endpapers and white pages.  Inkjet printed.  Approximately 80 copies in print.  Available for only $7 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA.

Click here to see ratings of as she unbends at Goodreads.

Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the chapbook):

Jolynne M Hudnell writes cryptic poetry and flow poetry, draws with oil pastels, crochets doilies and creates sculptures with recycled materials. Originally from Elyria, Ohio, and now living in Randle, Washington, Jolynne is a freelance writer whose previous books include Beyond the Sun, Leaving the Continuation Station and Exhalation Point.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Street maps for lost souls - by John Dorsey (CC#29)

cover photo by Steven B. Smith

Crisis Chronicles Press is happy to announce the release of Street maps for lost souls, a new chapbook by John Dorsey. Published 27 July 2012, Street maps for lost souls is hand assembled, 8.5 x 5.5", inkjet printed, saddle staple bound, with a charcoal blue card stock cover, salmon endpapers and white pages.  Approximately 125 copies in print.  Available for $6 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Blvd., Cleveland, Ohio 44143.

Includes "street maps for lost souls," "Poem for Jerry Sandusky," "requiem for a gambler," "starving artists," "Mightier than the sword," "Ted Berrigan's Roller Derby Haiku," "poem on my 35th birthday," "The Jimi Hendrix of New Paltz, NY," "cherry street grocery store poem," "the last time" and "sugar coated." As of February 2024, only 2 copies remain available.

Click here to see reviews and ratings of Street maps for lost souls at Goodreads.

Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the chapbook):

photo (c) 2012 by Casey Rearick
John Dorsey currently resides in Toledo, Ohio. He is the author of several collections of poetry, including Teaching the Dead to Sing: The Outlaw's Prayer (Rose of Sharon Press, 2006), Sodomy is a City in New Jersey (American Mettle Books, 2010), and Leaves of Ass (Unadorned Press, 2011). His work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize numerous times and he may be reached at

Friday, June 22, 2012

I Can Live with Death - by David B. McCoy (CC#28)

Cover photo by Steven Smith
Crisis Chronicles Press is pleased to announce the publication of I Can Live with Death, a chapbook by David B. McCoy. Published 23 June 2012, I Can Live with Death is hand assembled, saddle staple bound with white cover stock, hard olive card stock endpapers and white pages.  8.5 x 5.5", inkjet printed.  Only 60 copies in print.  Available for $5 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 3431 George Avenue, Parma, Ohio 44134 USA.
This chapbook is currently sold out and out of print.
When I was a child,
and my father was still alive,

my parents would take us to parties
where the men would get dead drunk
and begin beating the hell out of their wives....
-- selection from "In My Little Child's Voice" in
I Can Live with Death

Click here to see ratings of I Can Live with Death at Goodreads.

Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the chapbook):

David B. McCoy grew up in the “Cleveland Street Hood” of Elyria, Ohio, and recently retired from 32 years of teaching social studies.  He earned his history teaching degree from Ashland University and his graduate degree from Kent State University.  David’s work at Kent explored the influences of socialization on personality development.

Since 1979, David has run Spare Change Press, which in recent years has focused on publishing poetry chapbooks.  He is the author of several books available from* and

The Geometry of Blue
(poetry).  Print only.* 
Voices from Behind the Mask
(poetry).  Print only.* 
The Tao of Libertarianism. 
Print and eBook. 
The Academy,
a short book of fiction. EBook only. 
Minimalist guide to picking high yield dividend stocks
. EBook only.
A Short History of Hilton Head Island
.  Ebook only.

George Washington (HarperCollins / History In An Hour)     
Andrew Jackson
(HarperCollins / History In An Hour)
Gullah Culture: 1670-1950
. Ebook only.

David divides his time between living in Ohio and on Hilton Head Island.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Wandering White - by d.a.levy (CC#27) - OUT OF PRINT

The Wandering White is a poem by Cleveland publishing legend d.a.levy (1942-1968), published as a 5.5 x 8.5" broadside (on goldenrod card stock) by Crisis Chronicles Press, 3431 George Avenue, Parma, Ohio 44134 USA.  Design by John Burroughs.  It was available for $1 from 19 June 2012 through 30 November 2017. I forget how many total copies we printed - probably around 200.  We only have one left, which I'd like to keep unless someone makes me an offer I can refuse.

Friday, June 1, 2012

The Anarchist's Blac Book of Poetry - by Frankie Metro (CC#25)

cover image: a Steven Smith photo of a
collage/sculpture by
Mother Dwarf Smith

Crisis Chronicles Press is pleased to announce the publication of Frankie Metro's The Anarchist's Blac Book of Poetry on 1 June 2012.  This 40-page chapbook is 8.5 x 5.5", hand assembled, saddle staple bound, with black endpapers and a black glossy card stock cover.  Wrapped in black and yellow police tape that doubles as a bookmark, The Anarchist's Blac Book of Poetry also includes several illustrations by the author.  Only 50 copies in print.  It's available for $7 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Ohio 44143 USA.


Click here to read "Death Before Drawing" from the Blac Book in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to read "Streets of the Pan Americano Nightmare III" in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to see video of Frankie Metro reading from the book at Viracocha in San Francisco.


Click here to read Lynn Alexander's essay on the book at Crow Reviews.
Click here to read a review of the book by Luis Rivas at Peace is Illegal.
Click here to read part of a review by Doc Sigerson.

Click here to see ratings/reviews at Goodreads.


Click here to read an interview with Frankie Metro at Mik Everett's blog.
Click here to read an interview with the author on Bud Smith's blog.

Frankie Metro — photo courtesy of FM

Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the book):
Frankie Metro is the Head Non-Fiction and Associate Fiction editor at Red Fez Publications, where his column "The Left Handed Smoker" runs monthy. He is also The Chemist at the online lit journal The Meth Lab and holds no affiliation with Black Bloc Anarchists.

White Vases - by John Swain (CC#26)

cover foto by Cleveland artist Steven B. Smith

Crisis Chronicles Press is pleased to announce the publication of White Vases, a 21-page poetry chapbook featuring 18 works by John Swain. 8.5 x 5.5", inkjet printed on white paper. Hand assembled and saddle staple bound using white cover stock over thick blue cloud card stock.  Around 150 copies in print.

Released June 1st 2012, the chapbook edition of White Vases is currently sold out and out of print. 
However the e-book edition of White Vases is still available for $2.99 via Amazon Kindle.


Click here to read "Arisen" from White Vases in the Crisis Chronicles litmag.
Click here to read "Promise of Rivers" from White Vases in Up the Staircase.
Click here to read "Fables" from White Vases in Clockwise Cat.
Click here to read "Blue Tapestries" from White Vases in Blue Lake Review.
Click here to read Spanish translations of some the poems in White Vases.


Click here to read a Q&A with John Swain about the book at Effits Undy.


Click here to read a review on Mik Everett's blog.
Click here to read Lynn Alexander's essay on the book at Crow Reviews.
Click here to read a review in newmiragejournal. 
Click here to see ratings and reviews of White Vases at Goodreads.

Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the chapbook):

John Swain lives in Louisville, Kentucky. His previous chapbooks include: Prominences and Sinking of the Cloth (Flutter Press); Set Apart Before the World Was Made (Calliope Nerve Media); The Feathered Masks and Burnt Palmistry (Full of Crow); Handing the Cask (erbacce press); and Fragments of Calendars (Thunderclap Press). His work has received nominations for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and Best of the Web.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Vigil - by Shelley Chernin (CC#24)

cover from a graphite drawing by Jessie Herzfeld

Crisis Chronicles Press is ecstatic to announce the publication of Shelley Chernin's The Vigil, a chapbook featuring her seven part poem of the same name. Probing and powerful, Chernin's work digs deep, brings dark to light and is highly flammable.  Published 24 May 2012, The Vigil is now available for $5 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA.

"It's an astounding work. I knew as soon as I started reading it that I wasn't going to put it down, and that's pretty rare for me. It is just good on so many levels. Regardless of what one's faith relationship is, the work says something about faith that is irrefutable. Rather the metaphor, the mining and its inherent disasters and conditions, was so powerfully drawn that one walks away, whether one wants to or not, with a new reality concerning faith. I'm not a great judge and I don't keep up with award winning and prize winning, grant winning poetry standards, but I could see this book grabbing a big one. Remarkable....  It was like reading a sinking hole.  The book collapses right in your hands." - Cat Listening.

Click here
to read Barbara Sabol's review of The Vigil and interview with the author at Poetry Matters.

Click here to read Michael Dennis' review of The Vigil at Today's Book of Poetry.
Click here to read The Vigil for free online in the Crisis Chronicles cyber litmag.
Click here to view ratings of The Vigil at Goodreads.

The Vigil is 8.5 x 5.5", hand assembled and saddle staple bound using white cover stock, textured gray-cream endpapers and white pages.  Early copies were inkjet printed; later copies, laser printed.  2nd edition released in January 2020. Approximately 240 copies exist.

Shelley Chernin, 2012 - photo by JB
Poet's bio (from the first edition):

Shelley Chernin is a 57-year-old freelance researcher, writer, and editor of legal reference books. She lives in Russell, Ohio (aka Novelty, proving that the US Postal Service once had a sense of irony). Her poems have appeared in Scrivener Creative Review, Rhapsoidia, What I Knew Before I Knew: Poems from the Pudding House Salon-Cleveland, the Heights Observer, the 2010 through 2012 Hessler Street Fair poetry anthologies and the Cuyahoga Burning edition of Big Bridge. She received the 2nd Place award in the 2011 Hessler Street Fair Poetry Contest and Honorable Mentions in the Akron Art Museum's New Words Poetry Contest in 2009 and 2010. Yes, of course, she plays the ukulele. Who doesn't?

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

This is How She Fails - by Lisa J. Cihlar (CC#23)

Our latest Crisis Chronicles Press chapbook, This Is How She Fails by Lisa J. Cihlar, is a cycle of more than two dozen prose poems - often haunting, always gorgeous - comprising 26 pages, 8.5 x 5.5", hand assembled and saddle staple bound, featuring a white and dual blue cardstock cover with cover art by Lisa Marie PeasleePublished on 8 May 2012, I imagine you'll love it every bit as much as I do.

This Is How She Fails is available for $7 US (includes shipping) to Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA. Approximately 150 copies in print.  One reader writes, "WARNING: Do not read before bedtime. [This book] will follow you into your dreams."

If you prefer an electronic format, please click here to buy the Kindle edition for $2.99.

Click here to read "Damage" from This Is How She Fails in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to read "The Wind Lass" from This Is How She Fails in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to see a Swoon film of "Sunday Service" from This Is How She Fails.
Click here
to read an interview with the author at r.k.v.r.y. quarterly.
Click here
to read reviews of This Is How She Fails at Goodreads.

Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the chapbook):

Lisa J. Cihlar's poems have been published in South Dakota Review, Green Mountains Review, In Posse Review, Bluestem, and The Prose-Poem Project. One of her poems was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her first chapbook, The Insomniac’s House, is available from Dancing Girl Press. She lives in rural southern Wisconsin.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

desire lines - by Chansonette Buck (CC#22)

cover photo by Steven B. Smith in Oaxaca

Crisis Chronicles Press published desire lines by Chansonette Buck on 22 April 2012 (also the author's birthday).  One of our finest chapbooks yet, desire lines features 17 poems on high quality ivory paper, quirkily hand assembled and saddle staple bound using white and ashen orange card stocks.  9 x 7".  Approximately 150 total copies in print.  2nd edition published 28 June 2013.  desire lines is available for $6 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA.




Click here to read "science project, pocatello" from desire lines in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to read the bath poem "moon train" from desire lines in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to hear an interview with the author and reading from desire lines, originally broadcast by KRFP, Radio Free Moscow.


Click here to read a review of desire lines at Amazon.
Click here to see reviews and ratings of desire lines at Goodreads.

Buck in Lorain, Ohio - photo by Dianne Borsenik
Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the chapbook):
Chansonette Buck spent her childhood “on the road” as stepdaughter of a Black Mountain poet, living all over the American West, in England, and in Spain. She holds the PhD in English from the University of California, Berkeley, where she concentrated on 20th-century poetry and poetics and wrote a dissertation on childhood trauma as the source of William Carlos Williams's poetic obsessions. She has a BFA in painting from Massachusetts College of Art, and has won awards for her visual art, her poetry, and her teaching. Chapters of her memoir Unnecessary Turns: Growing Up Beat have appeared in Why We Ride: Women Writers on the Horses in Their Lives (Seal Press, May 2010) and Polarity eMagazine (Fall 2010). Her poems have appeared online and in print, including a feature in the journal tinfoildresses 2012. Her first chapbook, blood oranges (NightBallet Press, 2011), was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. She lives in Berkeley with her family, her boa constrictor, and way too many cats and dogs.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

12 Poems - by Cee Williams (CC#21)

Crisis Chronicles Press just released Pennsylvania living legend Cee Williams' new chapbook, 12 Poems, on 14 April 2012.

"12 Poems by Cee Williams (Crisis Chronicles Press, 2012) is a walk through the rhythms, worries, and lusts of a sensitive mind. Just when you think Williams might be wallowing in the deeper questions of life and love, "Strippers and Spilled Beer" bubbles to the surface, followed by the equally delightful "STFU." Short but jalapeƱo-sweet, 12 Poems is a must- read!"
          —Dianne Borsenik (editor, NightBallet Press)

12 Poems is 20 pages, black ink on cream paper, printed in the author's beloved Erie, Pennsylvania, with cover and design by Cee himself.  It's also dirt cheap.  To get your copy, send $5 to Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA.

Click here to read a review of 12 Poems by Jeremiah Walton.
Click here to read "Love Stinks" from 12 Poems in the Crisis Chronicles.
Click here to see reviews and ratings of 12 Poems at Goodreads.

Now in its second printing.  Approximately 150 total copies in print.

photo by Chandra Alderman

Poet's bio (as of 2012, from the chapbook):

Cee Williams is a poet and spoken word artist residing in Erie, Pennsylvania. His work has appeared in the poetry and visual art journal Bathtub Gin (Pathwise Press) and in the Dwelling in Possibilities anthology edited by Berwyn Moore. In 2010 Williams was named as a finalist for the Erie County Poet Laureate award. He is the founder and director of Poets’ Hall: the International Fellowship of Poets and Spoken Word Artists, for which he was the recipient of the EMBYP 2011 award for Business Innovation.