Sunday, September 1, 2013

Rain and Gravestones - by John Swain (CC#45)

Cover photo by John Swain
Crisis Chronicles Press is thrilled to announce the publication of a new collection of poems by John Swain on 1 September 2013. Rain and Gravestones perfect bound, 32 pages, and full of the lush, perfectly grounded and yet transcendent depth and breadth of vision and language you've come to expect from Mr. Swain.  Roughly 130 copies in print.

Rain and Gravestones is available for $7 from Crisis Chronicles Press, 535 Parkside Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44143 USA.

Click here
to read Krysia Jopek's review of Rain and Gravestones.
Click here to view ratings of Rain and Gravestones at Goodreads.

Click here to read "Fire Once Lived" from Rain and Gravestones in Eunoia Review.
Click here to read the title poem from Rain and Gravestones in Bigger Stones.
Click here to read "Torch" from Rain and Gravestones in PressBoardPress.
Click here to read "At the Ceiling" from Rain and Gravestones in the Crisis Chronicles litmag.

John Swain lives in Louisville, Kentucky. His previous chapbooks include Prominences and Sinking of the Cloth [Flutter Press], Set Apart Before the World Was Made [Calliope Nerve Media], Burnt Palmistry [Full of Crow], Handing the Cask [erbacce press], Fragments of Calendars [Thunderclap Press], and White Vases [Crisis Chronicles Press].  His newest book, Ring the Sycamore Sky, will be published in 2014 by Red Paint Hill.

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